Deliverables: Philosophy, Physical prototype, Presentation, Case study.
Involvement: Package design and production, Character sheet design and production, Photo editing, Story-starter book production, Case study production.
Tools: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign Hand tools.
Collaborators: Caroline Davis, Madi Green, Lydia Meadows.
Quest is an imagination-driven kit that encourages outdoor active play. The kit provides a costume and play prompts for children to explore the world around them, alone or with friends as opposed to being glued to screens for hours on end.
Wage war on the iPad kid!
This joke prompted our ideation process. How might we make a toy that encourages children to engage in non-electronic, imaginative play? Using the “Design Sprint Method” we spent three weeks utilizing historical design philosophies to guide our process. Quest is a durable story starter kit, rooted in outdoor active play and exploration. The philosophies of Isamu Noguchi, the Eames, Hans Wegner, and Marcel Breuer help to combat the boundaries this generation is facing by engaging creativity, imagination, and collaboration.
The result is a durable, easy to clean, product that children can engage in outdoor play with. The elements can all be placed neatly back in the package for easy storage. In addition, there are further options conceptualized to be made available, providing varying play experiences according to preference.